Executive Producer | Host
David’s first Zelda game was The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening for the Game Boy. He was familiar with the Nintendo Entertainment System games but had never played them beyond the proverbial few-minutes-at-a-friend’s-house experience that many of us are so familiar with. In fact he was even introduced to Link’s Awakening fairly late; only a year or two before Ocarina of Time released. Proceeding ‘Ocarina,’ which he preordered by physically walking into a Toys-R-Us and filling out a paper form months before the release, David considered himself a full-fledged Zelda fan. He wrote emails to Nintendo Power asking questions about Ocarina of Time’s development process and creative choices while he waited for the release day. He finally was able to pick up his copy and the rest was history.
David has been podcasting for many years. His first show was published in 2006. It was a documentary style podcast about owning and operating a small storefront art gallery called the 716: Fine Art Podcast. After that he hosted a podcast for 8 seasons titled the Technophiles Podcast which celebrated science, technology, engineering, and art. Another Zelda Podcast was originally conceived as a side project, back in 2017, but was so fun to make that it quickly became David’s main focus.

Kady began gaming back in elementary school. She would play Call of Duty: Zombies and Halo on Xbox 360 with her brother. Kady also played Pokémon and Tomodachi Life on the 3DS.
In high school, she traded the Xbox360 in for a PlayStation 4 (for Detroit: Become Human, of course!). She also started gaming on PC. Kady continued to trade in her Nintendo consoles for the next. Wii turned to Wii U, which eventually turned to the Nintendo Switch. This is when she got her first Zelda game, Breath of The Wild, which allowed Kady to fully realize her love for The Legend of Zelda franchise. She is slowly making her way back through the previous games.
When she is not playing video games, Kady is a voice and stage actor. She has voiced in audio dramas and even a video game! She has also done professional musical theater. Kady is currently represented by Big Mouth Talent’s voice over department. Check out her website, www.kadyroberts.com, to see more!

Kate's favorite Zelda game is Twilight Princess. She has performed as an actor in theater for over ten years. This is her first podcast project but she has enjoyed listening to podcasts for a long time.
Some of Kate's favorite pastimes include taking bike rides and jogs through Milwaukee, WI. As well as visiting all the great breweries in the area!

Blog Editor
It all started with a plumber.
Celeste began playing video games and watching her dad play them on their family’s Nintendo Entertainment System at around three years of age. After years of exploring the Mushroom Kingdom, learning how to count with Sesame Street characters, and rescuing damsels in several ninja games, Celeste picked up a copy of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past at a local video rental store. The fantasy atmosphere, music, characters, and lore enthralled her, resulting in a dedicated love and enthusiasm for the series.
Over twenty years later, she has enjoyed researching the inspiration behind the games and delving into the philosophy of the series.

Discord Moderator
Hazel has been playing The Legend of Zelda games for as long as she can remember. It all started with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the family Nintendo 64. She has spent much time with her siblings exploring Zelda games such as Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and The Minish Cap. Her favourite Zelda games are (in no particular order) Skyward Sword, The Minish Cap, and A Link Between Worlds. Other video games Hazel enjoys include Kingdom Hearts, Metroid, Super Smash Brothers, Mario, Pokémon, Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, and Halo.
Since 2019, Hazel has been using Discord and learning how best to use it whenever a problem arises. She wishes to make Another Zelda Podcast’s Discord server as open and user friendly as possible and help to create one of the best communities for one of her favourite podcasts!
Aside from playing video games, Hazel enjoys drawing, riding her bike; reading; playing with her cat, Winter; and, of course, listening to podcasts. If you wish to reach Hazel, you can find her on AZP’s Discord server as @Hazel. The Discord server is available via a link (haha) posted on this website.

Blog Writer
Shane started playing games at the age of 5 and hasn't stopped since. His first Zelda game was Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, so he got the hard one out of the way first. Shane has degrees in Multimedia and Digital Entertainment and Game Design. He is currently working for a company as an Engineering Technician V. He loves to spend time with his family and friends, axe throw in a league, and, of course, play lots of games, especially Nintendo ones. He's excited to be part of the Another Zelda Podcast universe.
If you like his articles and would like to say hi, please follow him on Twitter.

Blog Writer
M. J. Kuhn is a blog writer and guest-host for AZP! She has been a member of the AZP squad since late 2019. As a Zelda fan, she’s a bit of a latecomer to the series. She’s always game to talk about The Wind Waker, which was her first Zelda game. Other favorite games include Twilight Princess and Majora’s Mask.
In life outside of Zelda, M. J. is a fantasy author. Her debut novel, AMONG THIEVES, is out from Saga Press on September 7, 2021!

Blog Writer
Ryan was born and raised somewhere in the USA, as he moved around a lot with both parents in the Navy. Currently living in Michigan, Ryan lives with his wife, M.J. Kuhn, and their two pets, Wrex and Thorin. When he isn't working, Ryan enjoys the little things, like video games, Star Wars, Zelda, and anything else, really. His main hobby, though, is his brewing. Ryan home brews beer and mead and, with his brother-in-law, has a podcast about homebrewing and beer called Brewthers-In-Law.
You can find them on Twitter @WiseOldOwlsBrew or @BrewthersInLaw. You can also check out other blogs about beer at hopbrewandblog.com and anything Brewthers related at brewthersinlaw.com.
If Ryan had a catchphrase, it would be "Everyone could use some beer and Zelda." Cheers!

Blog Writer
Although Andy played Spirit Tracks and other Zelda-like games growing up, he didn’t become a Zelda fan until he played Skyward Sword as a teenager in early 2015. Since then, he has played the majority of the Zelda titles. After listening to Another Zelda Podcast while at work and commuting to school, Andy became inspired to talk about his passion for the Zelda franchise and started a YouTube channel called Zeldom dedicated to Zelda theories and lore analysis.
Andy is currently working on obtaining his B.S. in Electrical Engineering and hopes to pursue an M.S. in Systems Engineering.

Blog Writer
Carlos Gomez (aka, The Lost Hylian) has held a deep affection for Nintendo since the young age of eight years old. First among all game franchises has always been The Legend of Zelda. He often credits the original installment as the match that lit the flame of enthusiasm for the series. It is his love for Zelda that has fed his passion for writing and love of exploration. Even now you won’t find him out of the house without at least one Zelda-themed item on his person. When not doing the daily grind, you may run into him sitting at a “hole in the wall” coffee shop or on a nature hike with his dogs.
Carlos is currently pursuing a B.A. in English-Creative Writing. He currently travels often due to work commitments, enjoying the opportunity to visit unique places and learn about new cultures. Ever the Nintendo loyalist, he is always looking for new ways to share his love of Nintendo with others.

Stephanie grew up in a small suburb in Massachusetts. After graduating from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, she obtained her PharmD and became a pharmacist; however, her true passion was writing and illustration.
Stephanie’s award-winning YA fantasy The Aeonians is her debut novel with Silver Leaf Books under the pen name J.E. Klimov, and it was heavily inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. With the combined love for all things Zelda and writing, she is thrilled to join the AZP family.
You can follow Stephanie and stay tuned for news on her novels on her blog: http://jelliotklimov.weebly.com/, Twitter: @klimov_author, and Facebook page: @klimovauthor.

Blog Writer
Kevin loves teaching and working with kids. Falk Laboratory School is an amazing place for someone like him who loves to explore things and build things with kids. Kevin worked at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh for several years before going to Falk. Working at the museum allowed him to work with many different tools, materials, and mediums, and he was able to work with teachers, artists, and educators from all over the country.
Kevin enjoys sewing, woodworking, photography, and stop-motion animation. He also loves sloths, dinosaurs, Bruce Springsteen, Calvin and Hobbes, Star Wars, The Adventures of Pete & Pete, and The Simpsons. Kevin has a very cute family (the elephant is not part of his family, although he wishes she were): his wife, Becky, and his son, Oliver.